There was no quality designer resin to be found, nor fiberglass reinforced fake stone junk anywhere! Just Solid hand-carved marble, and cast bronze!
This fountain is about 14 feet tall!
How about this marble mantle for a luxury upgrade to your home!
These urns were fabulous--and best of all--on the same price point as a junky resin urn of the same size!
Statuary was everywhere. . .
Columns, animals, everything imaginable.
These lovely bronze ladies were a favorite.
As was this gate.
But these life-sized marble statues took my breath away. I'd love to have one of these.
There is also a HUGE warehouse full of French and Asian antiques, as well as lots of decorative accessories-sorry no photos--the owner didn't want any indoor photography.....
I'll be back soon with more seasonal goodies!!!