Guest Room
Here are some photos of my guest room--it is a work in progress, but is slowly becoming my favorite room of the house!
As you see more pictures of my Shabby French Cottage, you will notice my penchant for anything chippy, crusty, or generally meant to stay outside. I also especially love architectural pineapple finials. I have a slew! My fantastic step-dad and I dragged this bird bath up the front steps and down the hall to its final resting spot as a night stand! I told the lady I bought this from that is what I planned to do with it! As a side note, she didn't think I was crazy, as I have been a regular there for some time. Hi Ken & Lisa and the rest of the wonderful crew at Class & Trash!
I have to apologize for the sepia toned photographs, I got a little overzealous with how beautiful everything looked 'tea stained'. I know, I know, I still have up my bottle brush trees! I can't help it, I love the vintage charm they give a vignette! I have about at least 40 of them, some big, some small, some green, mostly cream ones, and a few pink ones!
Here is a view of another of my finds from Class & Trash--this amazing vitrine bookcase! I just love the chippy paint! Since you can't tell, it is a pinkish off-white! The general color scheme in this room is pink, green, and aqua. The walls are Martha Stewart Mint Gelato, the corner cupboard is Martha Stewart Party Streamer, the dresser is the original faded pink painted over buttermilk green, with bits of the green peeking through. If you go to Class & Trash, head to Through the Garden Gate! It is a fantastic 3,000 square foot romantic home decor shop attached to a 20,000 square foot antique mall!
You see a sneak peek of the beautiful Art Nouveau iron bed here, once I get the bed crown finished (there is one currently, but it is off center and I don't like the color, but just out of this shot is a beautiful chippy off-white one!) More on that project in another post.
All text and photographs Copyrighted 2010 - 2015 by Mikey Fuller, unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved. My participation in a linky party or other similar type event hosted by your blog or website, including posts from Facebook, Twitter, etc; grants you permission to use my text or photos of the specific post(s) shared in said linky party or social networking website, in whole or part if given proper credit and linked back directly to my webpage. For other personal use, electronic or print, please credit me and link back. Please also, let me know! I love to hear what my readers are up to! For commercial or other use, please contact me via email at me [at] mikeyfuller [dot] com