Sorry, I had said my next post would be on my china hutch with the silver and creepy doll heads the other day, then I told you I was redoing my buffet for spring and summer. Because I promised china, I will also show you the built-in china hutch in my dining room. Don't worry there are plenty more china/curio cabinets to feature! But first, my inspiration was the terrium from my vintage silver post last week:
Since then, I've taken the candle sticks out, and put an alabaster compote with a birds nest in its place.
I used the centerpiece off the breakfast table in my kitchen, a nifty cast iron and wire two-tiered basket, a cast iron plant stand, a funeral basket, and lots of plants and greenery!
There is a plastic step-stool hiding under the green and cream hounds tooth fabric!
This iron plant stand makes for great decorative storage for some pink ironstone plates I got on clearance at Garden Ridge for fifty cents each!
I'm all set for a party! Just add food and have guest serve themselves! I only have twelve of these pink plates, but I have 30 or more clear glass plates--it's great when folks come over! Plus I didn't pay more than ten cents each for the clear ones--so if something gets broken, no worries!
I wish I could say I grew the herbs and picked the flowers out of my beautiful cottage garden, but I struggle to get grass to grow! My soil is mostly sand, and I need to lay sod, but haven't been able to fit that in the budget yet. I will confess all the plants are fakes! I am king of artificial flowers!
I also promised a tour of my china hutch, while this isn't the one I promised to tour, it is the built in one in my dining room.
The gold and white tureen is Limoges. I have a set of three!
I love the Bavarian chocolate pot in this photo!
Here is another one of my Limoges tureens!
If you can't tell, I'm a sucker for china! You can probably tell from these photos my favorite colors are pink, green, and teal!
There is even an miniature china hutch in my china hutch!
More China, some vintage silver, a crown, and a beaded basket.
Since I'm on the garden kick, I re-did this vignette! I adore garden statuary and urns! These are all cast iron. I got them on eBay back when gas and shipping where still cheap!
What no Cadburry Cream Eggs? (I'm fresh out of my stash from Easter!!!)
Get out of those roses!
I love these ivy topiaries!
Another view.
Gazing at the gazing ball!
I hope you have enjoyed these spring and summer treasures at Chez Moi! I really enjoy staging these vignettes! Once I clean up the mess from these new vignettes, I hope to take some wide-angles shots and show you the whole room put together! It is amazing the sins you can crop out of a photo!
A tout à l'heure!
~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage